Is the Wanganui District Council Corrupt?

Well you would hope not. The sad thing is they are either very inept or corrupt or both judging by past and present performance.
The latest most glaring action was to hire an undischarged bankrupt and then proceed to pay him something in the region of $46,000. The undischarged bankrupt then proceeded to threaten ( or what he had to say was perceived as a threat to the manager of the local newspaper) This raises many issues- an inquiry has been held and the defence profferred by the WDC was that they weren’t acquainted with the facts. Excuse Me! I thought any Council would be run similar to any business- not only would quotes be called for- the previous work inspected- a presentation required from the prospective companies the council may use- (after all it isn’t their money they are spending but the rate payers ) and last but not least a background check- all standard procedures in the real world.
Then we have the hiring of a marketing research company that is very much a newboy around the place-(still checking it out)- used over the regular old hands around the place and the results very much lawded- which of course raises the obvious question that maybe it was already realised what the more experienced and better resourced research companies would turn up.
Now we are being told what a success the numerous referendums are that are being organised and run all the time- at $20,000 a pop considering that most of the other councils are commenting loudly on the wastage of ratepayer monies.
Finally considering that it was early February when I raised the issues through Closeup regarding the dog that attacked me and the non-chargeing of the appropriate fines and charges and yet have to still hear an explaination. The fact that I raised this aspect with Sue Westwood (Councillor)previously,(like November 2006) who did approach Stuart Hylton twice as far as I am aware and then I raised it with Rangi Wills and still am waiting for him to contact me and explain. It wouldn’t be of course because the explaination is even more questionable than the decision to release the dog- would it???????

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