Ban Pitbulls?

Will banning various breeds get round the dog attack problems. Of course not. Anyone with an ounce of commonsense will tell you that the owner has considerable input into how safe their dog is to handle. The three most dangerous dogs I have handled as I have stated before are a golden cocker spaniel, a beagle and of course the German Shepherd that so badly mauled me.
Both the Golden Cocker and the Beagle exhibited dangerous behaviours even whilst penned. We could only get into the Golden Cockers pen with some difficulty and a clear demonstration of how difficult the Beagle was- we were running an Access course and all the students selected for the course had had previous dog experience but when the Beagle came onto the property I marshalled the students all down to the pen that held the Beagle and told them very clearly not on any account to enter the pen but when whatever task they were doing required entering the Beagle pen they were to come and get either my husband or I and we would deal with the Beagle. One of the students who owned an English Bull Mastiff obviously decided that we didn’t know what we were talking about and proceeded to ignore our request and entered the Beagle pen and was promptly bitten. Needless to say I had Oosh etc down on my head until it was pointed out that all the necessary safety requirements had actually been met.
Over the years we have handled a number of pitbulls – none of which we have had to ban and when the dangerous dog amendment came out the only change to operations that we made was to ask to meet any dog on the dangerous dog list before we agreed to board it. To date we have yet to refuse admission to any – and yet we continually deal with extremely spoilt downright agressive small breeds i.e. chihuahua , etc that if they were the size of a pitbull would be extremely dangerous. Our answer to this problem is to point out to the owner that they need to imagine the afore said spoilt dog as being the size of a pitbull or rottie and then think hard about if they still see the behaviour as acceptable.Some owners are obviously afronted by this approach but we are quite unrepentant and I might add have always had this approach -long before I was attacked.
Many of my vet friends have stated that owners in general seem uncaring if a vet is bitten. I would be appalled if any of my dogs even growled at a vet and I would see it as a lack of socialisation and training on my part if they did.

One Response to Ban Pitbulls?

  1. Ashley says:

    wow i cant belive that i mean i no pitbulls and sheperds are mean but all i can say is wow !!!!!

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